- Atelier Ausblick
(At the studio 1)
Oil Painting, 2007
Size: 80 x 80 cm - Stillleben mit Fischen
(Still-life with fish)
Oil Painting, 2000
Size: 80 x 75 cm - Weißer Mondflügel
(White moon-piano)
Oil Painting, 2008
Size: 70 x 100 cm - Weißer Stuhl
(white chair)
Oil Painting, 2017
Size: 80 x 40 cm - Blick in den Garten
(look in the garden)
Oil Painting, 2019
Size: 60 x 60 cm - Interieur mit blauem Tisch
(Interior with a blue table)
Oil Painting, 2019
Size: 60 x 60 cm - Blumenstrauß mit Birne
(Bouquet with pear)
Oil Painting, 2020
Size: 50 x 40 cm - Sommerbild
(Summer picture)
Oil Painting, 2020
Size: 50 x 60 cm - Sommerblüten
(Summer flowers)
Oil Painting, 2020
Size: 60 x 50 cm